We Love Streptocarpus
We recommend ProMix HP for several reasons. The ingredients are top quality and it also contains both a Biofungicide as well as Mycorrhizae as talked about in the Care section. The Biofungicide keeps down the possibile of a fungus developing in your soil while your baby plants are growing and the Mycorrhizae helps your root system to grow quickly and strong. Below is the bag you are looking for if you have a large collection and want to mix it yourself. The type of perlite we use is also shown for reference.
If you want to purchase in small pre-mixed amounts you are welcome to buy direct from us either by sending us an email for a PayPal invoice or buying off of eBay. Either was is fine. All we do is mix the two together and sell in 1 lb bags. Buy three or four so that you have some on hand for later.
Now available from World of Streps. A 16 page booklet with the basics of how to best grow these wonderful plants. We update it twice a year with new information and new links. The booklet can be purchased on our new cart system HERE
PO Box 1114
Arvada CO 80001-1114
Monday-Friday: 9-5
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed